The Warehouse

The Warehouse is an experimental video with drag performers Continental Breakfast and Skim. The work explores performance as well as performativity through actions of labour, play and their relationship. They perform in the Warehouse, a DIY events venue in Vancouver which creates events
queer, trans and racialized communities. The Warehouse is known to be on an extended lease which will soon be torn down to become a hospital. The artists celebrate the space, aware of its temporariness and the affects of belonging together.


Artist Bio

김새로미, Romi Kim or Skim in drag, is a genderfluid, second-generation Korean lesbian. They identify themselves in recognizing these words as verbs rather than nouns or adjectives—constantly in action, and in flux. They are an uninvited settler living and working on the unceded xwməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and sel̓íl̓witulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. They work with an interdisciplinary approach in exploring drag performance, learning and unlearning through language, and acts of vulnerability and care.